From the end of October 2000 to the middle of January 2001, there were no Society activities.  For many of us, particularly those involved with putting on the last Halloween event, these last few months have been a difficult time, particularly for those who were close to Peter Geiberger and Dan Lippert, who were killed in a drunk driving accident related to that event.

In many of our lives, that Halloween was a literal Devil's Night, a culmination of the chaos we as Cacophonists have long sought to invoke.  For those of us at the scene of that accident there will be memories impossible to forget and challenges impossible to ignore.

None of us could have guessed that Cacophony's call to break the shackles of complacency would become a process of personal transformation.  Embracing the ideal of chaos and destruction, we have embraced the death  that leads to Second Birth.  Activities over the future months will follow this new more revolutionary path.

We know that this direction's not for everyone.  Some of you out there will hate us.  The world will hate us.   This is one thing that hasn't changed.

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